

CDM Regulations 2015

“The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects. CDM applies to all building and construction work and includes new build, demolition, refurbishment, extensions, conversions, repair and maintenance.”

This is such an important part of the development process and applies to ALL BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS and is an area that is either missed, ignored or people think they can “cut corners”.

H3 Property Consultants are a qualified Principal Designer through APS (Association of Project Safety) and are so able to not only provide the Principal Designer duties as set out under the CDM Regulations 2015 but are also able to assist the Clients in the discharge of their duties as set out under the CDM Regulations 2015.

H3 Property Consultants have the skills, knowledge and experience to assist all the duty holders in discharging their duties as set out under the CDM Regulations 2015.

These regulations are enforced by the HSE who have far reaching powers of prosecution usually through fines but on those very rare severe instances they have the power of imprisonment.

These regulations set out a set of duties that need to be covered by the various parties to a development project: –

  • Client – The Developer/Investor
  • Principal Designer – Employed by the Clients
  • Principal Contractor – the main contractor
  • Contractor – sub-contractor

If you are in any of the following situations: –

  • You are a Client looking to start a property development and you have not got your CDM paperwork in place
  • You are a Client and have started a property development without your CDM paperwork in place
  • You are a Principal Contractor and need to prepare your CDM paperwork
  • You are a Principal Contractor that has started work on a site and the CDM paperwork is not in place
  • You are a Contractor looking to start on site

For more information

Require assistance, or want to discuss CDM in more detail? Then get in touch!

Association for Project Safety Qualified
Member and Principal Designer

Adam was recommended to us by the contractor who undertook the initial site clearance work. I had been involved with a number of smaller construction projects and our main contractor had a wealth of construction experience however this was the first project that either of us had been involved with that fell under CDM legislation. Adam was patient and understanding in leading me through the compliance requirements during the period before construction of the superstructure commenced. His common sense based approach helped me to understand the importance of the principles behind CDM and recognise the importance of being compliant both in terms of minimising the risk of any incident on site and also ensuring that my company was not exposed to risk. From feeling very out of my depth, Adam supplied me with the paperwork, the templates and the understanding to enable me to take over as Principle Designer through the construction phase of our project. I was able to take the material Adam provided me with and use it through the project successfully. I have found Adam to be professional, courteous, helpful and easy to communicate with and would strongly recommend him

Martin Paterson - Director at Donaldson's Vets Ltd

We have been working with Adam for a number of years now and he has provided us with a comprehensive service in relation to our CDM requirements such as Construction Phase Plans, Risk Assessments and Method Statements, and also with our on site paperwork. We have found Adam a great support to us, knowledgeable efficient and hardworking. He is always there for us and willing to help us whenever needed.

Jenny Tyas - Director at Bulk Group Ltd